The Worst School Punishment
an introduction from Maureen
The teachers at school they're as strict as can be
I try to behave so they won't notice me
for if you should give any cause to annoy
the teacher will make you sit next to a boy
Detain me or cane me, take my favourite toy
but please Miss, don't make me sit next to a boy
I work with a will, I am so very good
sit perfectly still like all good children should
if you dare to speak then its hands on your head
or sit in disgrace in the corner instead
We copy the blackboard with chalk and with slate
our teeth set on edge by the noise that they make
while writing a story or doing my sums
that screeching can make me all fingers and thumbs
I'm learning to write now with ink and with pen
I'm blotting my copybook time and again
I'm scared that the teacher will single me out
in front of the class she might whack me or shout
At the end of the week we must polish our desk
and fill the inkwell without making a mess
I must bring my polish and dusters that day
or I know I'll be punished in some dreadful way
Maybe when I'm older, I might change my mind
walk out with a boy when the weather is fine
go off to the pictures, or maybe a dance
till then I'll make sure I don't give them a glance
Detain me or cane me, take my favourite toy
but I won't sit next to a dirty and rude little boy.